Publications and Preprints

Minimum maximal matchings in permutahedra
S. Brenner, J. Fink, H. P. Huang, A. Merino, and V. Pilaud

Semi-extraspecial p-groups with automorphisms of large order
S. Brenner, R. D. Camina, and M. L. Lewis

Irredundant bases for soluble groups
S. Brenner, C. del Valle, and C. M. Roney-Dougal

Facet-Hamiltonian cycles in the B-permutahedron
N. Behrooznia, S. Brenner, A. Merino, T. Mütze, C. Rieck, and F. Verciani

Countable ultrahomogeneous 2-colored graphs on two imprimitive color classes
S. Brenner and I. Heinrich
European Journal of Combinatorics (2025)

Classifying group algebras in which the socle of the center is an ideal
S. Brenner
Communications in Algebra (2025)

Satsuma: Structure-Based Symmetry Breaking in SAT
M. Anders, S. Brenner, and G. Rattan
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2024)

The Complexity of Symmetry Breaking Beyond Lex-Leader
M. Anders, S. Brenner, and G. Rattan
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024)

Tuple regularity and k-ultrahomogeneity for finite groups
S. Brenner
Journal of Group Theory 27(6) (2024), 1305 - 1336

On the modular isomorphism problem for groups with center of index at most p^3
S. Brenner and D. García-Lucas
Arch. Math., 122 (2024), 463 – 474

Countable ultrahomogeneous 2-colored graphs consisting of disjoint unions of cliques.
S. Brenner and I. Heinrich
Proceedings of EUROCOMB'23

Group algebras in which the socle of the center is an ideal.
S. Brenner and B. Külshammer
Ann. Representation Theory, 1 (2024), 1 - 19

Ideals in the center of symmetric algebras
S. Brenner and B. Külshammer
Int. Electron. J. Algebra 34 (2023), 126 – 151

On the Malle-Navarro Conjecture for 2- and 3-blocks of general linear and unitary groups
S. Brenner
Communications in Algebra 49 (2021), 427 – 441

The socle of the center of a group algebra
S. Brenner
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (2022)